Tuesday, November 8, 2011

20 and Lets Stop Counting

Due to recent events I feel this needs a special post.  This is not a Holy Cow moment in my life but a Holy cow in someone else’s.

Thank you Beth for the information on the circus –er, I mean the Duggar’s and their 20th child.

For starters this is my opinion and my opinion only (although Beth agrees as I am sure most of you will).

My thoughts –
1.  What does Mr. Duggar do because apparently my husband needs to get in on that. 

2.      They use religion as their reasons for their now 4 separate basketball teams (there are 5 people to a team for those that don’t know).  God might want to exercise his right to revoke free will at this point – just a thought.

3.      At some point I am going to venture a guess child birth is an Olympic sport in this family.  Can they really be enjoying the procreation process? (Yes I went there and now you are too.)

4.       I love my child, I ache for her all day but after oh… I dunno number 10 do you even know who is who anymore in order to miss them?  “Hey number 5, okay number 7 you’ll do.) 

5.      There are 26 letters in the alphabet – yeah but they aren’t going for each letter so why are they are on 20 again?

6.      I think someone needs to get Mrs. Duggar a promise ring – ask her to promise to please stop.

7.      well need I say more – lets open this up shall we. 

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