Monday, September 24, 2012

The Cost to Raise Our Kids

I had a different post in mind for today but thanks to MSN I had to change my mind. 
Holy Cow Moment #?:  We all knew raising children had a hefty price tag but who knew Colorado (the state in which I live) could make that cost even more.  Don't worry Illinois, Massachusetts and 7 other states you all got recognition too.

Thank you MSN for brightening my day.  Colorado is number 4 on the list of most expensive states to raise a child.  Yes you read that right.  NUMBER 4. It's enough to make me want to cry.  I knew raising a baby - well 2, wasn't going to be cheap but when the average of childcare is as high as it is that just makes it all the more worse. 

It's bad when I saw the MSN post today and all I could think was "oh please let my state be on there."  No it wasn't because I wanted bragging rights.  It was because I feel like I pay A LOT for childcare and I just can't believe we are 'cheap.'  Well I suppose I feel vindicated - or robbed.  I suppose I have mixed feelings on knowing the truth. 

Oh well.  What can we do.  Like they say.  If you wait to be able to afford a child you will never have them and I can't see my life without my daughter.  Sorry baby two, I don't know you yet to say the same. 

Holy Cow its highway robbery.  Everyone says you can't put a price tag on the value your child adds to your life too bad we can put a number to what they take away.  I did just say she was worth it right?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Annihilation of the Competition

Holy Cow Moment ?: I thought raising my daughter and having her reach toddler-hood was going to be the hardest challenge for me. I was wrong. Apparently it's going to be keeping the new baby alive in order to be born.

Mommy is always the favorite toy,but up until recently my stomach was never the target. Now I have to watch what I am doing or how I am laying in order to protect the new spawn. Why? My daughter is trying to take out the competition.

Okay, so I don't think she knows what she is doing. Because if she did then I guess she really would be evil. As of right now I think it's all coincidence. We all like to tell ourselves that our children are our husbands evil spawn but I don't think we actually believe we?

Holy Cow how will I raise two children when one is inadvertently trying to take out the other.

For those with multiples how did you do it?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

When “Advice” Goes Wrong

ADVISORY: This is a rant.  Do not take anything personal - but if you notice you may be a culprit or a victim then you may laugh with me.  Culprit's learn from your mistakes.


Holy Crap Cow Moment ?: When is enough enough? How do you stop the "advice diarrhea?"

  How much advice is useful?  Well, when the advice in unsolicited sometimes none.  While you are pregnant you hear everyone’s thoughts and opinions, which can get annoying, but what happens after the baby is here?
For the most part you will always hear the “if you just did this, that wouldn’t happen.”  Although most likely a lot of parents you know or run into will say “oh, we had that same issue and this is how we dealt…”  Which is advice based on experience, okay, I think that can be helpful.

Sadly though there are some that step over the bounds and criticize.  Maybe criticize isn’t what they mean to do but when they can’t approve of a single thing that you are doing to raise your child that is exactly what they are doing.  Easy to overlook one or two comments, harder when you reach the fiftieth.

How do you handle the grandparent/parent/family member/friend/etc that know everything? 

  • Sure you can ignore the advice, but at some point they get offended.  (Yes I know, I tried)
  •  So next step, explain how your parenting is different.  Now you are being disrespectful and saying they are wrong (which you probably are but not on purpose. People giving the ‘advice’ usually will take any disagreement of their views as rude). 
  • Maybe you can avoid them as a last resort?  No, that means you are being rude and once again, disrespectful.

But what other passive alternatives are there?  Now, the above is assuming you care about the relationship with the over-advising party.

If you answered no to that last statement then my suggestion is to block the caller ID, avoid any place that person may hang out, and when all else fails run them down with any motorized option of your choice – by accident of course.
I would like to remind involved parties that advice is an option, not a must.  Too bad this rant will fall onto the ears of those that have the same issue opposed to those that are guilty of the crime. says:
 ad·vice [ad-vahys] Show IPA noun
1. an opinion or recommendation offered as a guide to action, conduct, etc.: I shall act on your advice.
2. a communication, especially from a distance, containing information: Advice from abroad informs us that the government has fallen. Recent diplomatic advices have been ominous.
3. an official notification, especially one pertaining to a business agreement: an overdue advice.