ADVISORY: This is a rant. Do not take anything personal - but if you notice you may be a culprit or a victim then you may laugh with me. Culprit's learn from your mistakes.
Holy Crap Cow Moment ?: When is enough enough? How do you stop the "advice diarrhea?"
For the most part you will always hear the “if you just did
this, that wouldn’t happen.” Although most
likely a lot of parents you know or run into will say “oh, we had that same
issue and this is how we dealt…” Which is advice based on experience, okay, I think that can be helpful.
Sadly though there are some that step over the bounds and criticize. Maybe criticize isn’t what they mean to do but when they can’t approve of a single thing that you are doing to raise your child that is exactly what they are doing. Easy to overlook one or two comments, harder when you reach the fiftieth.
Sadly though there are some that step over the bounds and criticize. Maybe criticize isn’t what they mean to do but when they can’t approve of a single thing that you are doing to raise your child that is exactly what they are doing. Easy to overlook one or two comments, harder when you reach the fiftieth.
How do you handle the grandparent/parent/family member/friend/etc
that know everything?
- Sure you can ignore the advice, but at some point they get offended. (Yes I know, I tried)
- So next step, explain how your parenting is different. Now you are being disrespectful and saying they are wrong (which you probably are but not on purpose. People giving the ‘advice’ usually will take any disagreement of their views as rude).
- Maybe you can avoid them as a last resort? No, that means you are being rude and once again, disrespectful.
But what other passive alternatives are there? Now, the above is assuming you care about the
relationship with the over-advising party.
If you answered no to that last statement then my suggestion
is to block the caller ID, avoid any place that person may hang out, and when
all else fails run them down with any motorized option of your choice – by accident
of course.
I would like to remind involved parties that advice is an
option, not a must. Too bad this rant
will fall onto the ears of those that have the same issue opposed to those that
are guilty of the crime. says:
ad·vice [ad-vahys]
Show IPA noun
1. an opinion
or recommendation
offered as a guide to action, conduct,
etc.: I shall act on your advice.
2. a communication,
especially from a distance,
containing information: Advice from abroad informs
us that the government has fallen. Recent diplomatic advices
have been ominous.
3. an
official notification, especially one pertaining to a business
agreement: an overdue
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