Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Happy Independence Day

I love my country.  Too bad it’s going up in flames at the moment.  Well, my state and parts of the west are anyway.  It’s just too dry and too hot. 

Maybe the lack of fireworks is a blessing for a toddler.  My daughter’s first fourth of July was not at the top of her list of excitement.  I don’t know if this year would have been any better.  She’s like most living animals, skittish around loud noises.  The flip side is, I really wanted to do something fun tomorrow night.  I will settle for the parade but in order to do this I think we will need to tie or leash my child.  Is that bad?

Independence came at a great price for the men and woman of the past.  I’d like everyone to remember that and remember our military.  Thank them.

So onto my post. 
Holy Cow moment ?:  Motherhood is like a war on independence.  Lots of casualties along the way.  You- as a woman are fighting to lose those last 5 – er 10, okay fine – 20 remaining pounds from that adorable 7+ pound baby.  You - as a woman have paid the ultimate price, handing over your sanity for a pint size tipsy, toddling,  toddler.  You-as a woman have given up going to the bathroom in peace or ever getting back your  ‘ you time .’  You-as a mom have officially become the casualty in the battle against your child and their quest for independence. 

So dramatic isn’t it?  Okay.  As a mom you don’t care anymore.  It was all worth. We know it was.  We love our children.  The small laugh that they made in their sleep, to the tiny smiles of joy when you pick them up.  We don’t mind the temper tantrum in the middle of the target or the embarrassing show of your child pulling down your top to display bra – do we?

If we put it all into perspective we don’t.  It is all in the name of growing up, learning independence and freedom.  It is human nature to want to be allowed to make your own choice.  Too bad for our children their choices involve playing in the dog water, eating bubbles, skipping meals other then candy and refusing to nap.  How can you explain to your small child that you are helping them make good choices and that once they figure out the better choice they can have the freedom to choose to make the choice you deemed safe.  Wait a minute…
It’s just so hard to allow them to make mistakes, but in the end we make them better people by allowing them to learn from their choices. 

What I have learned from this year’s festivities.  We like to carry caulk, not draw with it but carry it.  We do not understand that bubbles are not a drinkable liquid, but we know it does not taste good.  We will do whatever mommy has said no to – oh wait that is the last month not just the holiday.  We love, LOVE, hotdogs.  So aside from the fires in the area I think that this holiday has been a success in a learning capacity for me. 

So have a margarita and cheers to you.  Enjoy another year of freedom thanks to our countries brutal past.  Everything comes at a price.  Freedom , motherhood – life just seems like a whole lot of battles doesn’t it?

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